Teachers and researchers from international partner institutions

As part of its Attract mission, the Genetics and Epigenetics New Education Graduate School (EUR GENE – G.E.N.E. Graduate school) offers every year funding for the invitation of two colleagues from foreign partner institutions for the implementation of teaching modules in M2 of Genetics or a research project.


  • Support for travel and accommodation in Paris for the visiting teacher-researcher, up to a € 5,000 limit of



  • To be a teacher-researcher at a foreign partner institution of the EUR G.E.N.E.
  • To not have yet benefited from this funding program in the same academic year
  • To have submitted a complete application form during the opening period of calls for projects
  • An invitation letter from a teacher-researcher or a member of the Board of Governors should be included in the application form



Two calls for projects per year: one planned during the month of November, one during the month of May

Application deadlines: December and June

Or along the year


To file your application, fill out the file in computer version, assemble it in a single pdf document including all the additional documents requested, which you will send to the following address: eur-gene@u-paris.fr

Application form
