International mobility for research

As part of its Training mission, the Ecole Universitaire Genétique et Epigénétique Nouvelle Ecole (EUR G.E.N.E.) offers 10 international mobility funding each year to PhD students.


  • Funding of up to € 2,000 for international mobility in a partner laboratory, including support for round-trip travel and accommodation on site. On a case-by-case basis, projects such as training combining theory and practice may be considered.
  • Funding will be a reimbursement after the mobility, upon reception of invoices and proof of mobility. Priority will be given to projects co-financed by the thesis laboratory (including through other grants).



  • To be enrolled at Université Paris Cité in a doctoral school of the G.E.N.E. Graduate School : BioSPC or HOB and working on a subject with a genetics ou epigenetics component
  • To be in the 2nd or 3rd year of a doctorate in a G.E.N.E. Graduate School affiliated laboratory (exceptional derogations for students in the first year of a doctorate may be examined on a case-by-case basis upon justification of the indispensable nature of the mobility at that time)
  • Have planned a mobility in a partner laboratory of the PhD laboratory, outside France
  • Have submitted a complete application during the opening period of calls for projects



  • Two calls for projects per year
  • Closing of the submission of candidatures: November and May



To apply to the fellowship, fill in English or in French the form on the application platform:

To access the platform, you will first be asked to give your name and email. You will then receive a message containing the link to your application session. This link will allow you to resume filling the application anytime you need to come back an finish it later.

In addition to the questions in the form, you will need to upload a one-page maximum description of the mobility project, including the subject, the planned experiments, the expected results and how they fit in with your thesis project, as well as your CV, an invitation letter from the host laboratory and a recommendation letter for the mobility from your PhD supervisor.

Please note that once you have submitted the form, you will not have access anymore.


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