The Graduate School Genetics and Epigenetics New Education (Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Génétique et Epigénétique Nouvelle Ecole – EUR GENE) brings together 10 research units and Institutes 2 doctoral schools, 2 LabEx and 1 University Hospital Institute (IUH). This includes the USPC’s technology platforms and resources.

Institut Jacques Monod (UMR 7592, CNRS)
The Jacques Monod Institute (IJM), a joint research unit of the CNRS and the Paris Diderot University, is one of the main centers of basic research in biology in the Paris region.
For more information: link to the website of the IJM
Epigénétique et Destin Cellulaire (UMR 7216, CNRS)
The Epigenetics and Cellular Destiny Center (Epigénétique et Destin Cellulaire) is a multidisciplinary research center, founded in 2009 on the Paris Rive-Gauche campus. It brings together a network of teams with complementary expertise in the fields of stem cell differentiation and epigenetics, in particular DNA methylation, histone variants and modifications and non-coding RNAs.
Research at the Epigenetics and Cell Fate Center focuses on the importance of epigenetic regulation in determining cell fate and differentiation programs in mammals under normal and pathological conditions.
For more information: link to the center’s webpage
Biologie Fonctionnelle et Adaptative (UMR 8251, CNRS)
The work of the Functional and Adaptative Biology Unit focuses on the elucidation of the gene and protein structures of blood group antigens, the molecular analysis of their polymorphisms and the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in some inherited disorders of the erythrocyte membrane.
For more information: link to the unit’s webpage
Biologie intégrée du globule rouge (UMR 1134, INSERM)
The work of the Integrated biology of red blood cells Unit focuses on the elucidation of the gene and protein structures of blood group antigens, the molecular analysis of their polymorphisms and the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in certain inherited disorders of the erythrocyte membrane.
For more information: link to the unit’s webpage
Génétique Humaine et Fonctions Cognitives (URA 2182, Institut Pasteur)
The purpose of the Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions lab’s research is to identify new genetic pathways involved in human social interactions and communication, and to propose a evidence-based approach to ASD that should help improve diagnosis, care and integration.
Le but de notre recherche est d’identifier de nouvelles voies génétiques impliquées dans les interactions sociales et la communication chez l’homme, et de proposer une approche du TSA fondée sur des données concrètes qui devrait aider à améliorer le diagnostic, les soins et l’intégration.
For more information: link to the lab’s webpage
Institut de recherche Saint Louis (UFR, IRSL)
The University Institute of Hematology (IUH) of Paris Diderot University is the integrated research and teaching institute of Saint Louis Hospital. The first European hematopoietic stem cell transplant center, it develops scientific and technological research at the crossroads of several disciplines: hematology, immunology, virology and oncology. Research topics include cellular transformation processes, transplantation immunology, modeling and experimental pharmacology approaches, and systemic biology.
For more information: link to the institute’s webpage
Maladies neurodéveloppementales et neurovasculaires (UMR 1141, INSERM)
The Neurodevelopmental and Neurovascular Diseases lab’s teams work on understanding the mechanisms that alter the functioning of the developing brain from the fetus to the adolescent, whether the origins of the dysfunctions are genetic or acquired (as a result of infection or physical trauma for example) and regardless that diseases are frequent or affect only a small number of patients (rare diseases).
For more information : link to the lab’s webpage
Institut Cochin (UMR 1016, INSERM/CNRS)
The Cochin Institute is organized into three scientific departments, each consisting of 6 to 18 teams:
– Development, Reproduction, Cancer
– Endocrinology, Metabolism, Diabetes
– Infection, Immunity, Inflammation
Since its creation, the Cochin Institute has invested a lot in the development of efficient and innovative technology platforms, serving its teams, as well as all University teams and external teams, whatever their nature, public or private. The Cochin Institute now has nine technological platforms.
For more information: link to the institute’s webpage
Institut Necker-Enfants Malades (INSERM/CNRS)
The Institut Necker-Enfants Malades (INEM), created in January 2014, is an international biomedical research centre located on the campus of the Necker Hospital and supported by the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Recherche (CNRS) and the Université Paris Descartes.
Research at INEM focuses on common diseases caused by the interaction between heredity and environmental factors.
For more information: lien vers le site de l’institut
Institut des maladies génétiques Imagine (INSERM)
Imagine helps to bring together public and private research to make diagnostics and treatments accessible as quickly as possible, on the basis of a flexible and responsive organization.
The goal of the institute is to cure genetic diseases. To achieve this goal, the Imagine Genetic Diseases Institute has devised four complementary and interdependent missions: research, innovative care, teaching and valorization.
For more information: link to the Institute’s website
The Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité (BioSPC) Doctoral School results from the merger of two doctoral schools: the B3MI Doctoral School of Paris Diderot University and the Gc2iD Doctoral School of Paris Descartes University. This new doctoral school offers a wide range of fields that cover most disciplines of Biology and an offer of laboratories for the preparation of the thesis.
The scientific scope of the ED BioSPC covers cell and molecular biology, development, immunology, infectiology, genetics, neurobiology, physiology, physiopathology, reproduction and aging.
For more information: link to the doctoral school’s webpage
The doctoral school “Hematology – Oncogenesis – Biotherapies”, HOB has chosen to focus the research themes offered to doctoral students in key areas of health research in order to match training with the opportunities resulting from the societal demand. The school is in three major areas: Oncogenesis, Hematology, Biotherapy and Biotechnology.
The doctoral school HOB supports experimental and clinical work aimed at elucidating oncogenesis mechanisms specific to different types of solid or hematopoietic tumors in order to develop medical tools for the personalized management of cancers (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up).
For more information: link to the doctoral school’s webpage
Who am I ?
The laboratory of excellence Who am I? is an ambitious interdisciplinary network. Its objectives are to encourage more innovative research, to catalyze the exchange of ideas and the exploitation of results, to offer the best interdisciplinary training to young researchers of tomorrow and to engage the general public and the scientific community in a common dialogue around the central theme of identity.
For more information: link to the LabEx’s website
Over the past two decades, although dealing with important basic and clinical challenges, the field of red cell biogenesis has become neglected among young physicians and the scientific community.
Thus, the GR-Ex project stemmed from the idea to both unite the most talented research groups working in the field of erythropoiesis and to attract new scientists from other fields to the red blood cells and iron metabolism.
For more information: link to the LabEx’s website