GENE Mentors program
As part of its Graduation mission, the Graduate School Genetics and Epigenetics New Education (EUR GENE) created a 1 to 12-month funding for 4th year of PhD or Transition Post-Doc:
- to fund additional PhD time to finalize their project before graduating
- or to fund PhD graduates transitioning between the end of their PhD and the start of a postdoc in a different laboratory
This funding offers a unique opportunity to complete the thesis project and maximize publications from their thesis lab.
The grantees will participate in mentoring activities within the EUR G.E.N.E. and will be encouraged to help organzing various workshops (carreer, vulgarisation, etc) for the other students.
- 1 to 12 months PhD or post-doc salary
Attention: due to Human Resources processing time, the earliest start date for all contracts will be in September from the application year. Post-doc contracts will start after the completion of the PhD.
- To be in the process of obtaining a PhD in a doctoral school of the EUR G.E.N.E. (BioSPC, HOB) and in a laboratory affiliated to Université Paris Cité
- For applications to a 4th year of PhD funding, to be in the 3rd year of the doctoral contract when applying
- For transition post-doc applicants, to have an estimated defense date before the end of the civil year
- To work on a subject linked to the EUR G.E.N.E. (genetics or epigenetics in the broad sense)
- Not yet benefited from this funding program
- Have submitted a complete application form during the opening period of calls for projects
- Application Deadline: End of april 2025 (TBD)
- Results notification: Early June 2025
Applications are sent through an online platform. It will be necessary to upload a pdf file (max 2Mb), that you can prepare in advance, containing:
– The Research proposal (4 pages max)
– CV (1 page max)
– List of your publications
– A letter from the laboratory supporting the candidate and – for transition postdoc applications – commiting to the defense before the end of the civil year of application
All the above should be fused into a single PDF file entitled YOURNAME_gene_mentors_YEAR.pdf
Note: The research proposal should contain:
– State of the art (1/2 page + 5 references)
– General Objective of the Project
– Results obtained during the PhD (1 page max)
– Research plan, expected results and outcomes for the G.E.N.E. funded period (please justify the length of the funding requested)
– Candidate’s motivation and potential contribution to the objectives of the EUR G.E.N.E. (including mentoring)
– 5 recent major publications of the host team
Access the application form through the following link where you will be asked to fill your first name (Prénom) Name (Nom) and email address (courriel). You will then receive a personal link to the platform, allowing you to save your answers if you need to come back to the form later: Coming soon
Contact for any questions regarding this program: